My Story

Becoming Longevity Advocate

I want to inspire people with my passion and the breakthroughs I share, to make them believe that longevity is not a sci-fi fantasy, but a reality within our reach.

Becoming Longevity Adocate

I've always been captivated by cutting-edge science. Back in 1999, when I wrote my university thesis on 'E-Commerce as a Lever for Developed Economies,' my professor had no clue what I was talking about!

Eight years ago, I attended an extraordinary conference in San Francisco called 'Extreme Future Technologies and Forecasting.' It was a mind-blowing experience. While most people focus on the next five years, the scientists there discussed technologies that would revolutionize the world in the next 10-20-30 years. And significant investments were already being made! What an incredible scope!

The conference covered topics like asteroid mining, Earth-orbit solar plants, cryonics, longevity, and many more fascinating subjects. At that moment, I decided to immerse myself in Longevity and Space exploration. Longevity, in particular, has since held a special place in my heart. Before venturing into the vastness of space, let's ensure we have plenty of time to explore it!

As a marketing strategist, CEO of ad agencies, and CMO in robotics, I've helped numerous brands grow and prosper in the digital era. Now, I aim to apply my expertise to promote longevity, share the latest breakthroughs, and offer practical tips and protocols so that more people can lead longer, healthier, and more active lives.

It struck me that so much groundbreaking research is often confined to academic papers or obscured by complex jargon. I want to change that. I want to inspire people with my passion and the breakthroughs I share, to make them believe that longevity is not a sci-fi fantasy, but a reality within our reach.

By sparking public interest and demand, I believe we can attract more investments and support for the longevity industry, accelerating the growth of science, labs, and companies dedicated to extending our healthspans and lifespans by decades, even centuries.

By working together, we can create a future where everyone has the opportunity to live their best life, regardless of age or background.

My personal longevity journey is also of profound importance to me. I'm continuously seeking new ways to optimize my health and extend my lifespan. The Longevity Advocate is an essential part of this journey.

By sharing our knowledge and connecting with like-minded individuals, I'm confident we can create a better future for all of us.

Why Longevity?

Longevity is on the brink of becoming one of the world's most rapidly expanding industries. Over the past eight years, it has steadily gained momentum, championed by a dedicated group of pioneers. Yet, the general public has mostly regarded it as wellnesspeculiar, or science fiction.

Today, longevity is transforming into a tangible reality. A growing number of startups and major players are joining forces with esteemed professors and research labs, propelling the field forward.

  • From a business standpoint, engaging in the longevity industry now is akin to launching an internet company at the dawn of the digital revolution.
  • On a personal level, the sooner we begin contemplating and taking action to enhance our longevity, the better off we'll be. Who wouldn't want a life that is longer, healthier, and more fulfilling?

While many sources currently focus on biohacking, wellness, fitness, diet, supplements, and adding a few extra years to our lifespan, it's crucial to also address the significant breakthroughs that could ultimately enable us to rejuvenate and live for centuries – Radical Life Extension.

As a Longevity Advocate, I'm passionate about covering both areas:


what can do now to improve our health and extend our lives,

Radical Life Extension

what's on the horizon in biotechnology, medicine and technology to help us build a bridge to the fountain of youth, and ultimately live even for centuries to come

Stay tuned, embrace a fantastic life, and follow 'Longevity Advocate'!"

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